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What ?! How ?!

Welcome on the website of 12months:12drawings !
(Text updated in January 2024 - see below - et en français ici !)

We are two friends who really like drawing, but it's not our main activity and we needed a little incentive. And like that this project was born !
Before creating this one, we tried an other famous challenge, but one drawing once a day, even for only one month, it's a bit too intense for us... So it will be one drawing once a month for one year ! Well... it has in fact already been more than one year, and we couldn't be more happy with that.
For each month a theme will be selected by us, either a word, a quote, a song, etc., and you'll only need to let Inspiration take you in the artistic world !
And yeah, the project is called "12 months 12 drawings", but feel free to use any techniques that inspire you : painting, knitting, collage, we welcome them all without discrimination.

This project is mainly present on instagram, but you can also participate without it, no worries :
- If you are an instagram user, please tag us on your post/story when published or send us directly a photo of your art work by dm.
- If it's more agreeable to you, you can also simply send us your pic by email at
In either case we will (re)post your work with great pleasure !

Oh, and if it doesn't hinder your creativity, please, favor the square format... but no obligations !


At the end of 2023, the project saw a big drop in activity.
To explore new ways of finding motivation and inspiration, the project is softly breaking away from Instagram and finding its way elsewhere as well. The Instagram account remains the main thread of the project, but since 2024 the sending of a monthly newsletter to reach people who are not on said network and the organization of “draw'n'drink” sessions to meet in person in Geneva have been put in place.

Also to be noted, the creation of a WhatsApp group (French-speaking) allowing a better flow of information.

If you want more details or to be added to the WhatsApp group or newsletter recipients, write to us at