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Welcome on the website of 12months:12drawings ! (Text updated in January 2024 - see below - et en français ici  !) We are two friends who really like drawing, but it's not our main activity and we needed a little incentive. And like that this project was born ! Before creating this one, we tried an other famous challenge, but one drawing once a day, even for only one month, it's a bit too intense for us... So it will be one drawing once a month for one year ! Well... it has in fact already been more than one year, and we couldn't be more happy with that. For each month a theme will be selected by us, either a word, a quote, a song, etc., and you'll only need to let Inspiration take you in the artistic world ! And yeah, the project is called "12 months 12 drawings ", but feel free to use any techniques that inspire you : painting, knitting, collage, we welcome them all without discrimination. This project is mainly present on instagram , but you can also pa
Recent posts

September 2024 - BOTANICAL GARDEN

This is the perfect theme for our second "Draw'n'Drink" session, at the botanical garden of Geneva! And it will also be an opportunity for an introduction to scientific drawing for those who want it (thank you, Gabi!). Meet us Saturday September 21st at 2:30pm, in front of the temperate greenhouse. -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** ... Credit : ...

August 2024 - CATCH-UP SESSION

August was the month of our yearly catch-up session! It was time to jump into a theme we may have missed, this year or a previous year! -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** She didn't have any catch-up in mind, so Paola drew us a trio of fish trying to cacth each other! Credit : Paola Catch-up for the theme of June 2024, "FLOW" Credit : @antiope_jb Catch-up for the theme of June 2024, "FLOW" Credit : @gab.loza Catch-up for the theme of April 2023, "CLOSE-UP" Credit : @gab.loza

July 2024 - HOLIDAYS

Holidays, sweet holidays! Why is it often harder to find time to do things during the holidays?! XD But still, we're happy to have a new participant, AB.! -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** Beautiful composition for a first participation Credit : AB. Old people enjoying yearlong holidays ;) Credit : @antiope_jb Nice travel suggestion for the next holidays! Credit : @gab.loza and her daughter Relaxing on a Sardinian beach. Credit : @deenegak Holiday atmosphere. Credit : Elsa

June 2024 - FLOW

A difficult theme for a very busy month, but we'll manage! ...And we're counting on the catch-up sessions too ;) -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** The flow of bombings, while the wealthy lounge around... Credit : Paola

May 2024 - FLEA MARKET

This theme was the perfect opportunity for our very first "Draw'n'Drink" session! You'll find the photos of said session below. As not everyone could be there (due to lack of time or too great a geographical distance) some drawings do not come from this session. And on the other hand, we know that other drawings were started during this session and are still not finished: we're waitiiiiiiiing! -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** Inspired by an african mask seen at the flea market Credit : O. A litteral flea market Credit : Elsa Music in all its forms at the flea market Credit : @sophie_clio Vintage cushion vibes Credit : @kitsch_kiwi Fitting session Credit : Paola A series of sketches Credit : @antiope_jb And here are the pictures of our first "Draw'n'Drink" session! There weren't many of us, but we had a great time and it was a very enjoyable afternoon. It was FAN-TAS-TIC!

April 2024 - BARK

So many different meanings for this word... we received very varied art works! -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** Barking seals, desperate about the degradation of their environment... Credit : Paola Ethereal trunk! Credit : @gab.loza The Barking Bark, most feared pirate ship of all time ;) Credit : @sophie_clio The story of a dog barking about a dog barking about a dog barking about...! Credit : @kitsch_kiwi Like a fingerprint (or a barkprint) Credit : @antiope_jb

March 2024 - DIPTYCH

And a beautiful month, with not one but two first participations! This is great! -> Click on the pictures to be able to see them in full screen. *** Stephane's first participation! Credit : @desjacquesstephane And Paola's first participation Credit : Paola "Pac-Man or a yellow water lily?" Credit : @antiope_jb "Smurfs' moods" Credit : Elsa "Moving out, moving in" Credit : @gab.loza "Deep + Tick = Diptych" Credit : @kitsch_kiwi "Full abstract" Credit : @sophie_clio